Forwarding References and Perfect Forwarding

Important Article that Explains Forwarding References and Perfect Forwarding

Forwarding References

The same notation used for rvalue references, the double ampersand &&, is also used to denote a forwarding reference. However, a forwarding reference is always a template function parameter of a generic type T&& such as that below

template<typename T> void f(T&& t);

While T&& looks just like an rvalue reference (Rvalue References and Lvalue References in C++), when && is used for a function template parameter, it is called a forwarding refernence, and unlike an rvalue reference, a forwarding reference can bind to both rvalues and lvalues, to const and non-const, to volatile, to everything. Its purpose is to support argument forwarding: to allow you to pass the argument on unchanged to other function(s). An example of argument forwarding is the emplace method of many STL containers. template<typename... ARGS>emplace (ARGS&&... args) allows a new container element to be constructed by forwarding its constructor parameters directly to placement new avoiding unnecessary copy or move operations.

Forwarding reference take advantage of the new C++11 reference collapsing rules. In C++11, unlike previous versions, you can syntactically have a reference to a reference, and the following reference collapsing rules apply:

  • T& & becomes T&

  • T& && becomes T&

  • T&& & becomes T&

  • T&& && becomes T&&

Except in one case, of T&& &&, the final result of reference collapsing is always T&.

The Purpose of Forwarding References

Unlike an rvalue reference, a forwarding reference T&& can bind to both rvalues and lvalues. It can bind to both const and non-const objects. It can bind to mutable and volitale. It can bind to everything. When a lvalue, say, of type X is passed to a template function with a forwarding reference T&&, then T becomes X&, and therefore T&& becomes X& &&, which after applying the reference collapsing rules becomes simply X&. On the other hand, when an rvalue of type X is passed, T becomes X, and T&& is simply X&&.

Thus an lvalue of type X binds as X& and an rvalue of type X binds as X&&. We can see this in the code below:

#include <vector>
template<class T> struct state_type {
 using type = T;
 static void describe()
    cout << "In non-specialization of struct state_type<T>" << endl;

template<class T> struct state_type<T&> {
 using type = T;
 static void describe()
   cout << "In partial template specialization of struct state_type<T&>" << endl;

template<class T> struct state_type<T&&> {
 using type = T;
 static void describe()
   cout << "In partial template specialization of struct state_type<T&&>" << endl;

template<class ARG> void f(ARG&& arg)

using namespace std;
vector<int> v{1, 2, 3, 4};
f(vector<int>{5, 6, 7, 8});

This will result in output of:

In partial template specialization of struct state_type<T&>
In non-specialization of struct state_type<T>
In non-specialization of struct state_type<T>

For the lvalue v in f(v);, ARG resolves to vector<int>&, and the instantiation of f() is

void f(vector<int>& && arg)

which, after applying reference collapsing rules for references, becomes

void f(vector<int>& arg)

So we see arg binds as an lvalue reference. In the case of f(vector<int>{5, 6, 7, 8});, ARG resolves to vector<int>, and the instantiation of f looks like this:

void f(vector<int>&& arg)

In this case arg binds as a rvalue reference. We can use these binding rules for function templates as the first step in writing a template function, like a factory method, that perfectly forwards its parameters leaving the paramters type intact.

Now take this factory method:

class A { // trivial example

   std::string str;

    A(const std::string& lhs) : str(lhs) // copy constructor
      cout << " A::A(std::string& lhs) invoked." << endl;

    A(std::string&& lhs) // move constructor
      cout << " A::A(std::string&& lhs) invoked." << endl;

template<class T, class ARG> std::shared_ptr<T> factory(ARG&& arg)

   return std::shared_ptr<T>{std::make_new<T>(arg)};  // fails to invoke A(string&&) when arg is an rvalue.

Note the output of the code below, where first an lvalue is passed to factory<T>(ARG&& arg) and then an rvalue:

string lvaluestr{"lvaluestr"};

shared_ptr<A> ptr1 { factory<A>(lvaluestr) };

shared_ptr<A> ptr2 { factory<A>(string{"rvaluestr"}) };

The output is:

In partial template specialization of struct state_type<T&>
 A::A(std::string& lhs) invoked.
In non-specialization of struct state_type<T>
 A::A(std::string& lhs) invoked.

factory<T>(ARG&& arg) correctly forwarded the lvalue reference, but not the rvalue reference. Instead the rvalue reference got passed as lvalue references. Why did shared_ptr<A> ptr2 { factory<A>(string{"rvaluestr"}) }; fail in invoking A::A(A&&)?

The reason is, arg is not an rvalue within the body of factory–even though the type of arg is rvalue reference to std::string! Remember an rvalue reference parameter, since it has a name, is an lvalue. We need to remove the name with a cast:

template<class T, class ARG> std::shared_ptr<T> factory(ARG&& arg)

   return std::shared_ptr<T>{ new T( static_cast<ARG&&>(arg) ) };  // static_cast<ARG&&>(arg) returns a nameless parameter.

Now when lvaluestr is passed, ARG becomes string& and so ARG&& becomes string& &&, which, after applying the reference collapsing rules, becomes simply string&, and static_cast<string&>(arg) is still an lvalue. When an rvalue is passed, however, the lvalue arg parameter is cast to a nameless rvalue.

The standard library provides forward<T>(std::remove_reference<T>::type&) to do this static_cast, and it looks like this:

template<class T>
T&& forward(typename remove_reference<T>::type& a) noexcept
  return static_cast<T&&>(a);

If you use just T& instead of remove_reference<T>::type& in the defintion of std::forward, perfect forwarding still works just fine. However, as Thomas Becker explains: “it works fine only as long as we explicitly specify ARG as the template argument of std::forward, std::forward<ARG>. The purpose of the remove_reference in the definition of std::forward is to force us to do so.” If we don’t explicitly supply the template argument when invoking forward(), this gcc compile error results:

template<class _Tp> void f(_Tp&& t)
    cout << "t = " << forward(t);

results in:

/usr/include/c++/7/bits/move.h:73:5: note: candidate: template<class _Tp> constexpr _Tp&& std::forward(typename std::remove_reference<_From>::type&)
     forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
/usr/include/c++/7/bits/move.h:73:5: note:   template argument deduction/substitution failed:
main.cpp:74:30: note:   couldn't deduce template parameter ‘_Tp’
     cout << "t = " << forward(t);

Returning to our original example

template<typename _Tp>
  constexpr _Tp&&
forward(typename std::remove_reference<_Tp>::type& __t) noexcept
  return static_cast<_Tp&&>(__t);

we now use std::forward in our factory() function:

string lvaluestr{"lvaluestr"};

shared_ptr<A> ptr1 { factory<A>(lvaluestr) };

shared_ptr<A> ptr2 { factory<A>(string{"rvaluestr"}) };

template<class T, class ARG> std::shared_ptr<T> factory(ARG&& arg)

   return std::shared_ptr<T>{ new T( std::forward<T>(arg) ) };  // forward returns a nameless parameter.

The output now is:

In partial template specialization of struct state_type<T&>
 A::A(std::string& lhs) invoked.
In non-specialization of struct state_type<T>
 A::A(std::string&& lhs) invoked.

When factory<A>(lvaluestr) is called, again, ARG resolves to string& and applying reference collapsing, we have this instantiation of factory:

std::shared_ptr<A> factory(string& arg)
   return std::shared_ptr<A>{ new A( std::forward<T>(arg) ) };

For the accompanying forward instantiation, the partial template specialization for lvalue references is applied and std::remove_reference<string&>::type& resolves to string& and so forward() gets instantiated as:

constexpr string& forward(string& __t) noexcept
   // static_cast<string& &&> collpases to static_cast<string&> below:
   return static_cast<string&>(__t);

So the complete instantiation of factory<A>(lvaluestr) is

std::shared_ptr<A> factory(string& arg)
   return std::shared_ptr<A>{ new A( static_cast<string&>(arg) ) };

which results in the A::A(std::string&) being invoked!

When factory<A>(string{"rvaluestr}) is called, again, ARG resolves to string, and we have this instantiations of factory:

std::shared_ptr<A> factory(string&& arg)
   return std::shared_ptr<A>{ new A( std::forward(arg) ) };

and the accompanying instantiation of forward:

// remove_reference<string>::type& resolved to string&
constexpr string&& forward(string& __t) noexcept
   return static_cast<string&&>(__t);

So finally factory<A>(string{"rvaluestr}) resolves to:

std::shared_ptr<A> factory(string&& arg)
   return std::shared_ptr<A>{ new A( static_cast<string&&>(arg) ) };

which will cause the A::A(string&&) constructor will be invoked!

Application of Perfect Forwarding

Below temple<calss T> class Vector has a new template member function emplace_back that takes variadic forwarding references.

template<class T> Vector {
  // snip...(as above)
  // snip...(as above)
    template<class... ARGS> void emplace_back(ARGS&& ... args);

template<class T> template<class... ARGS> void Vector<T>::emplace_back(ARGS&& ... args)
   if (current == size) { // If new value won't fit...

      grow();           // ...grow the vector

   new(p + current) T{std::forward<ARGS>(args)...}; // Use placement new to construct the object in existing memory.


class Employee {

     std::string name
     int age;
     int salary;
     Employee() {}
     Employee(const std::string& _name, int _age, int _salary) :\
             name{_name}, age{_age}, salary{_salary} {}

     Employee(Employee&& e) : name{std::move(}, age{e.age}, salary{e.salary} {}
     // snip...

Vector<Employee> v;

v.push_back(Employee{"John Doe", 15, 0});
v.emplace_back("Bob Smith", 45, 80000);

emplace_back() creates the new vector element in-place, in the vector’s already-allocated memory, using the forwarded parameters. This eliminates the creation and moving of a temporary object into the vector.

Overloading involving both rvalues and forwarding references

What happens when a function template is overloaded with two versions: one taking an lvalue reference and the other a forwarding reference? For example:

template<typename T> void g(T& param) noexcept
  cout << "In g(T& param)" << endl;

template<typename T> void g(T&& param) noexcept
  cout << "In g(T&& param)" << endl;

int x = 20;

In this case, the lvalue reference version always wins, so the output would be:

In g(T&& param)
In g(T& param)

However, if we remove the overload on the lvalue reference See these links for move above forwarding references:

template<typename T> void g(T&& param) noexcept
  cout << "In g(T&& param)" << endl;

int x = 20;

Then the output is:

In g(T&& param)
In g(T&& param)

as one would expect.


auto&& used in range-base for loops

for(auto&& x : c) { // x is a forwarding reference

is also a forwarding reference. It’s purpose is support the abstraction of perfect forwarding of x to other functions within the for loop.


When an lvalue is passed to std::forward<T>(x), it returns a nameless lvalue; however, when an rvalue is passed, a nameless rvalue is returned. std::forward<T>() thus perfectly fowards template function parameters that are specified as forwarding parameters, resulting in the correct method always being invoked.