Use of auto, decltype(), and decltype(auto) =========================================== How auto deduces types ----------------------- ``auto`` deduces types using template argument deduction, except in the case of ``decltype(auto)`` where the type is ``decltype(e)``, where e is the initializer. When auto sets the type of a declared variable from its initializing expression, it uses template argument deduction. It proceeds as follows: 1. First, if an auto vairable is assigned from a reference, the reference is ignored in determing the type of the auto variable. For example, .. code-block:: cpp int x = 10; int& rx = x; auto y = rx; // Ref. ignored. The type of y is int. 2. Next, if, after the step above has been performed, any const and/or volatile qualifier is also ignored. .. code-block:: cpp int x = 10; const int& crx = x; *crx = 11; // error: *crx is read only auto y = rx; // The type of y is int not 'const int'. The type of ``y`` above is ``int``. Both the reference and const are ignored. To make ``y`` a reference you simply use ``auto&`` or ``const auto&&``. .. code-block:: cpp int x = 10; const int& crx = x; auto& a = crx; // The type of a is 'const int&' const auto& b = crx; // The type of b is 'const int&' const int cx = 20; auto& c = cx; // The type of c is 'const int&' const auto& d = cx; // The type of d is 'const int&' In the code above, template type deduction is used. For example, the type of ``a`` is determined just like the type of ``arg`` is determined were ``crx`` to be passed to the function template ``template void f(T& arg)``. The type of ``arg`` would be ``const int&`` and the type of ``T`` would be int. The reasoning for the other auto variable assignments is similar: 1. The type of ``b`` is determined just like the type of ``arg`` is determined were ``crx`` to be passed to the function template ``template void f(const T& arg)``. The type of ``arg`` would be ``const int&`` and the type of ``T`` would be int. 2. The type of ``c`` is determined just like the type of ``arg`` is determined were ``cx`` to be passed to the function template ``template void f(T& arg)``. The type of ``arg`` would again be ``const int&`` and the type of ``T`` would again be int. 3. The type of ``d`` is determined just like the type of ``arg`` is determined were ``cx`` to be passed to the function template ``template void f(const T& arg)``. The type of ``arg`` would again be ``const int&`` and the type of ``T`` would again be int. auto Examples ------------- These C++17 examples illustrate the various ways to initial an auto variable. .. code-block:: cpp auto x1 = {1, 2}; // decltype(x1) is std::initializer_list auto x2 = {1, 2.5 }; // error cannot deduce element type auto x3{1, 2}; // error: direct initialization must be a single element auto x4 = {3}; // decltype(x4) is std::initializer_list auto x5{3}; // declytpe(x5) is int Use of auto with const pointers ------------------------------- If a pointer of type ``some_type *const``, is assigned to a variable declared ``auto``, the type will be ``some_type *``: .. code-block:: cpp auto x = 10; // x is 'int' int *const p = &x; // *p is read/write, but p is read-only *p = 20; // x is now 20 auto y = 50; // y is 'int' p = y; // error p is const, read-only auto pauto1 = p; // pauto1 is 'int *' const auto pauto2 = p; // pauto2 is 'int *const' just like p If a pointer of type ``const some_type *``, is assigned to a variable declared ``auto``, the type will be ``const some_type *``: .. code-block:: cpp auto x = 10; // x is 'int' const int *p = &x; // *p is read/write, but p is read-only auto pauto = p; // pauto1 is 'const int *' const auto pauto = p; // pauto1 is 'const int * const' The auto deduced types for pointer involving const follow common sense rules: they preserve const when it is necessary; otherwise, they ignore it. auto&& ------ The type of ``auto&&`` is deduced in the same way the type of a template forwarding reference parameter is deduced, and ``auto&&``, just like forwarding references, binds to rvalues, lvalues, const, non-const, etc. It binds to everything. .. code-block:: cpp class Example { std::vector v; public: Example() : v{0, 1, 2, 3} {} Example(const Example& lhs) : v{lhs} { cout << "Example copy ctor called." << std::endl; } Example(Example&& lhs) : v{std::move(lhs} { cout << "Example move ctor called." << std::endl; } const std::vector& get_vector() const { return v;} }; Example example1{}; // lvalue auto&& v1{example1}; // v1 is of type Example& auto&& v2{Example{}}; // v2 is of type Example&& The type of ``v1`` is determined from the theoretical template function ``template void f(T&& arg)``. The type of ``v``` is that of ``arg``, if ``example1`` were passed to it ``f(example1)``, would be ``Example&``. While, if type of ``v2`` is determined from the theorectical invocation of ``f(Example{})``, in which case ``arg``, whose type determines the type of ``v2``, is of type ``Example&&``. When should you use ``auto&&``? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The entry `Range-based for loop `_ explains ``auto&&`` is prefered in range-based for loop in generic code, and an example (taken from `Auto Type Deduction in Range-Based For Loops `_) is: .. code-block:: cpp // Sets all elements in the given range to the given value. // Now working even with std::vector. template void set_all_to(Range& range, const Value& value) { for (auto&& x : range) { // Notice && instead of &. x = value; } } .. todo:: Read the article referenced immediately below, understand it, and explain it. The article `Use auto&& for range-based for loops `_ also gives an example and succinctly explains ``auto&&`` "works with both const and non-const containers, but also works with proxy objects. It is always correct and efficient!" decltype(*name*) and decltype(*expression*) deduction rules ----------------------------------------------------------- **decltype** means the 'declared type'. If you use ``decltype`` with a name, it will give you the declared type of that name .. code-block:: cpp int x = 10; decltype(x); // decltype(x) = int const auto& rx = x; decltype(rx); // decltype(x) = const int& If you have an expression instead of a name, then ``decltype(expr)`` is either an lvalue or an rvalue. If it an lvalue, then decltype will add a reference to it. Below, when we add parenthesis to ``x`` before passing it to **decltype**, we turn it into an expression; it is not longer solely a name: .. code-block:: cpp decltype((x)); and the result of ``decltype((x))`` is ``int &`` because ``(x)`` is an expression not a name, and thus decltype adds a reference to the type of the lvalue expression. Template Functions Returning ``auto`` versus ``decltype(auto)`` ---------------------------------------------------------------- Consider this function template that whose return type is declared ``auto`` .. code-block:: cpp template auto get_value(Container& c, Index i) { return c[i]; } vector v{1, 2, 3 ,4, 5}; cout << "get_value(1, 3) = is: " << get_value(v, 3) << endl; This produces the expected output of:: get_value(v, 3) is: 4 However, assigning to ``get_values(v, 3) = 10`` fails to compile. Why? Most containers with an index operator like ``std::vector`` return an reference to an lvalue: in the case of ``vecotr``, an ``int&`` is retunred. However, if the return type of the template ``get_value()`` is ``auto``, instead of returning ``in&``, ``int`` is returned. That is, the value of the return type is the same as the value of x as below: .. code-block:: cpp vector v{1 ,2 ,3 ,4 5}; auto y = v[3]; // y is of type 'int' not 'int&' This is because the ``auto`` return type uses **template type deduction rules** and not the normal auto type deduction rules for objects. So when auto is used as a return type, it uses template type deduction rules. Therefore, to return the desired ``int&`` return type above, the type identical to ``c[i]``, we must use ``decltype(auto)``, which will retun the same type as ``y`` and ``z`` below .. code-block:: cpp vector v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; auto x = v[3]; decltype(auto) y = v[3]; decltype(v[3]) z = v[3]; y = 10; cout << "v[3] = " << v[3] << ", x = " << x << ", y = " << y << ", and z = " << z << endl; The output is:: v[3] = 10, x = 4, y = 10, and z = 10 because the **decltype(auto)** means 'automatically deduce the return type using the decltype type deduction rules'. So we must reimplement ``get_values()`` as .. code-block:: cpp template decltype(auto) get_value(Container& c, Index i) { return c[i]; } vector v{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; get_value(v, 3) = 10; cout << "v[3] = " << v[3] << ", get_value(v, 3) = " << get_value(v, 3) << endl; which produces: v[3] = 10, get_value(v, 3) = 10 In summary, we need to know the use case for your function: if you want template type deduction rules, then use ``auto`` for the return type; if you want the decltype type deduction, then use ``decltype(auto)``. It often boils down to whether you want an lvalue reference return or an rvalue. In general, ``decltype(auto)`` will return the type of the actual expression or object being returned. So in general it is the first choice to always consider. These same comments about template returns types apply to lambdas. Using ``decltype(declval())`` ---------------------------------------- The entry for `decval `_ explains: Returns an rvalue reference to type T without referring to any object. This function shall only be used in unevaluated operands (such as the operands of sizeof and decltype). T may be an incomplete type. This is a helper function used to refer to members of a class in unevaluated operands, especially when either the constructor signature is unknown or when no objects of that type can be constructed (such as for abstract base classes). And it gives this example: .. code-block:: cpp // declval example #include // std::declval #include // std::cout struct A { // abstract class virtual int value() = 0; }; class B : public A { // class with specific constructor int val_; public: B(int i,int j) : val_(i*j) {} int value() { return val_; } }; int main() { decltype(std::declval().value()) a; // int a decltype(std::declval().value()) b; // int b decltype(B(0,0).value()) c; // same as above (known constructor) a = b = B(10,2).value(); std::cout << a << '\n'; return 0; }